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Current press releases of samplistick GmbH

Sustainability meets innovation: samplistick wins natural cosmetics market leader Weleda and other partners (German only)

samplistick™ gewinnt Naturkosmetik-Marktführer Weleda und weitere Partner:innen. © Marco Lombardi Kurz nach Bekanntgabe der erfolgreichen Pre-Seed-Finanzierungsrunde wartet samplistick-Gründerin Daniela Mündler mit weiteren guten Nachrichten auf: Gleich mehrere...

Disruption in the beauty industry: green start-up samplistick raises six figure financing (German only)

Disruption in the beauty industry: green start-up samplistick raises six figure financing (Duesseldorf, April 9th 2024)

Sustainable beauty experiences: samplistick is now available in all twelve MON PIERRE perfumeries (German only)

Sustainable beauty experiences: samplistick is now available in all twelve MON PIERRE perfumeries (Düsseldorf/Trier, October 16th 2023)

Media clippings of samplistick™

Nachhaltig Leben (10.2024): samplistick instead of plastic samples

Daniela Muendler has made a name for herself as a pioneer in the beauty industry. With her start-up samplistick, she is focusing on a sustainable and customer-oriented solution to banish the traditional plastic sample from the market. Her many years of experience in leading positions at L’Oréal, Douglas and LVMH have paved the way for her to enrich the industry with fresh ideas. In this interview, she gives us an insight into her motivation and the challenges of founding her green start-up.

apotheke adhoc (09/17/2024): Pharmacies should ban samples

Instead, manufacturers are required to focus on innovative, sustainable and measurably efficient marketing strategies. This saves them costs, reduces their carbon footprint and ensures a positive image. There are already proposed solutions on the market. The start-up samplistick, founded by Daniela Mündler, offers to fill the desired product into recyclable packaging using a spoon on the tester and cooperates with Weleda, among others.

IHK Magazine (08/22/2024): Samplistick – Sustainability for Perfumeries

“My expertise is the customer perspective. I know that trying before buying is a crucial factor in every beauty purchasing decision,” emphasizes the 51-year-old, positioning herself with her start-up as a “sustainable and digital solution for cosmetic samples.” Her idea was well received – by investors and institutions specializing in green funding, including the NRW Bank, Kuer.NRW and Grüne Gründungen NRW. (08/13/2024): Beauty sampling – samplistick attracts new partners

The perfumery retail sector is undergoing a profound change. “The trend points clearly towards niche and individual products,” confirms Elmar Keldenich, Managing Director of the German Perfumery Association. The start-up samplistick and its unique solution has its finger on the pulse of the times and enables retailers to offer samples of these products as well.

FACHPACK360° (08/13/2024): Switching to individual beauty sampling

Shampoo, deodorants, make-up or perfume – small bottles with samples of new beauty products are often found in shopping bags. Many customers don’t appreciate these give aways; containers often end up unopened in trash. Unnecessary! With samplistick retailers can give their customers the samples of the wanted product.

overview of all media clippings

Daniela Mündler on LinkedIn

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Please address your pressrelated inquiries to:

Dr. Marie-Christine Frank
Lichtstraße 21
50825 Köln

Mobil: +49 173 4825735

Press materials from samplistick™

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